Here's how I did it...
I also ignored my family for a few hours,
let the kids trash the house, & the
husband had to feed himself--
oh, and I used these things...
I didn't have to sand the piece because there wasn't really much of a finish on it. Maybe a professional would sand it down or put some expensive stuff on it before they painted it, but I'm an impatient non-professional. I did not sand, I just wiped it down with a damp rag and went to town. I let it dry all of about 3 hours before I started giving it the black antique glazed look. You should probably wait longer, but like I said...I'm impatient.
..for the stained look, I used a little bottle of acrylic paint, you could use non-glossy, but this is what I had--it's black...
Eventually ever rag in the kitchen gets turned into one of these--a painting rag. I wash them all together about once a week. Just don't wash them with a load of clothes...I've only made that mistake once...Anyways, you just wet about 1/2 the rag, leaving a dry spot. The wet will help you blend the paint into the creases, etc.
I just saw this piece on Better After and I am in awe of the finished product! I have a pine shelf that looks just like that and I'm pretty sure it will be painted in the near future :)
Thanks for showing each step. That is helpful for a beginner like me!
I have that exact armoire and have been considering painting it. How did you work around all the little brackets and hinges? Did you tape them off?
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